Display |
Display | 18.5mm in character height, Numerical display on LCD(7 digit) Sub display:7.3mm in character height (14 digit) |
Indicated value | 5 digit sign: negative display at the highest digit |
Accumulation value | 9 digit ?This can be changed to "Accumulation count (4 digit)" and "Final(5 digit)". |
Display frequency | Select from 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 times/sec.(The system speed is 300 times/sec.) |
Capacity | 5 digit |
Min. scale division | Setting allowable in the range of 1~50. |
Decimal point | Select from 0, 0.0, 0.00, 0.000 |
Over display | LOAD:A/D converter input over, OFL1:Net Over, OFL2:Capacity + 9 scale division, OFL3:Gross Over |
Center zero | A true zero point or the center of each value is displayed. |